Mission Statement

According to knowledgeable and experienced people, India is going to become a super power in the fields of Computer software, Pharmaceuticals and manufacturing industries. It was said that the battle of Waterloo against Napolenon was won by the British on the playing fields of Eton, their famous public school. India can win its super power position only in the class-rooms of its high schools where students are trained in the mental faculties of analytical and logical thinking with conceptual understanding of subjects like Mathematics and Sciences. Inspired and guided by Sri C. Ramaiah, our founder-trustee and academic advisor, Gurukula Vidyapeeth High School was started to impart education of excellence with the aim of nurturing the future scientists, technologists, doctors and leaders in other areas of intellectual activity.
A good education is the foundation on which great personalities in the fields of science and technology, art and culture, business and politics are shaped. The fame and fortunes of the nations are built only by such individuals who receive education of excellence. The basic principle of imparting good education is “Know your student”. Children differ in intelligence, interests, aptitudes and capacity for hard work. But the individual talents
can always be nurtured and developed by adopting proper educational methods. We consider it to be our mission to do exactly that to our students.

Students can be broadly divided into three categories: intelligent, average and backward. However this categorisation is not final. In our experience we have seen students progress from lower levels to higher levels of achievement in studies by application of proper education methodologies and bestowing individual attention to them. Therefore, at the high school stage, no student be condemned as useless and incapable of improving.

In out school, students of each class are grouped into 3 sections after taking into account their abilities and standards of achievement at that point of time. Teaching in class-room, assignments and supervisory study are programmed depending upon the academic level of the students in each section. For the purpose of paying individual attention to students, the strength of the sections in each class and overall strength of the school is limited.

The general tendency among parents and teachers to lay too much stress on marks in examination is really unfortunate. High school education is the stage where the thinking power and creative talents of the students have to be developed besides giving due importance to marks in examinations. A residential school, in which students are available all through the day, gives great scope not only to improve academic grades of the students but also to develop their all-around personalities by encouraging them to participate in extra-curricular activities.

Keeping in view these ideas we adopt the following education methods and practices in our school